9 Tips to Improve Your Chances of Winning a Scratch Card
admin svip
Last Updated:01 February 2024

Scratch cards are a fun way to try and earn cash quickly without having to spend too much on purchases. Just like lotteries, they are based on pure luck. But there are actually ways to improve your chances of winning on scratch cards.

We may not be able to show you how to win scratch-offs every time you play, but these tips will definitely help improve your odds!

1. Don’t buy the cheapest one

There are an incredible amount of scratch cards on the market, and for those unfamiliar, it can be a minefield.

There are so many different designs, prices, prizes and brands it can be confusing to make a decision, so keep your focus when buying scratch cards to increase your chances of winning.

You're better off buying the pricier scratch cards, but buying less of them. Quality over quantity is very true when it comes to scratch cards.

2. Check the fine print

This may sound more like you're signing up for an insurance contract, but the same applies to scratch cards.

The small print can usually tell you what your odds are of winning on that particular card. So it definitely makes sense to read it. Who would choose higher odds over shorter odds?

3. Buy in bulk

One tactic that some scratch card players swear by is buying their scratch cards in bulk.

Instead of buying just one scratch card and then buying another scratch card for the same game multiple times over a period of time, they will buy about five scratch cards from the same game in one trip to the store.

Some people believe that if you buy in bulk, your chances of winning increase because manufacturers often include frequent wins in their scratch cards.

Therefore, if you buy scratch cards in bulk at once, your chances of winning are higher than if you buy the same number of scratch cards over several periods of time.

Of course, you should only do this if your budget allows it.

4. Play them like slot machines

You will find some slot players hanging around the machines waiting for players to hit the jackpot or some players failing to hit the jackpot. Long-term profits and losses could mean slot machines are about to hit the market.

If you try this method, you'll need to spend some time wandering around stores or stores that sell scratch cards, which may be something you're not entirely comfortable with - or have the time for!

Maybe start a conversation with the store owner, or ask the vendor if they've purchased any winning tickets recently. Be subtle, but it could be the key to a big win.

5. Keep old tickets

No, it's not for the nostalgic feeling. There's a damn good reason for this.

You might easily look at a scratch card and think it's a no-win one. But don't throw it away! You never know, you might find a wrong decision.

In some cases, the jackpot is never won, so manufacturers ask for losing tickets to choose the best loser.

Don’t be the fool who throws away your winning ticket!

6. Submit all losing scratch cards

Similar to the above: The only way you can be absolutely sure you didn't win is to officially check your ticket.

Whether it's a missed winning combination or just an error on your card, you may be eligible for some kind of payment. But there's always a chance you'll miss something.

7. Study scratch cards

Yes, there is actually a process called the "Singleton Method" used by experienced scratch card players.

They analyze the layout and design of the scratch cards to be picked for patterns that can provide clues as to whether the scratch cards have certain characteristics - numbers, symbols or combinations that could lead to winning numbers.

Most scratch card manufacturers have mastered this tactic, and there are now a large number of manufacturers designing their scratch cards to combat it.

But there are still a few who have yet to take steps to address the problem. You can use it on scratch card types where the numbers are visible on the side, so it's still a method worth pursuing.

8. Strictly control the budget

You may not win more or less with this strategy, but it's a safety buffer that prevents you from losing too much money.

Set yourself a weekly or monthly budget and make sure you stick to it so your finances don't spiral out of control.

9. Pick a game and stick with it

This seems logical. If you stick with the game and keep playing, you either win or every time you lose a ticket, you are followed by another losing scratch card.

However, if you spread your spending across multiple sessions, you could end up losing scratch cards endlessly.

So, pick a game that you like and stick with it. In the long run, this is a better strategy.

Overall, it's all about Lady Luck.

We may not be able to show you how to win scratch tickets, if there was a simple trick everyone would do it and companies would stop creating them! But we've shown you some methods and strategies you can use to improve your chances of winning.

Ultimately, it does come down to chance, but there's no harm in improving your odds of success.


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